Friday 24 September 2021

Rosy Leaf, Pretty Purple, Autumn Shopping, A Bird and Deer Capture

 Time is marching on whether we like it or not. I would love to have this jigsaw puzzle as we usually have a puzzle set up to work on in those odd moments; for me, while waiting for the potatoes to boil or some such. The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady- Autumn, 1000 piece. That link is where I found the best price.

 The property is taking on a look of early autumn. Walking Neddy early morning and it is cool enough to need a light jacket or warm sweater. He's impatient as I take the time to photograph the above leaf whose rosy colours attracted me. 
The nights have been cooling down but the days have been warm so many of the growing things are still thriving.

The lavender has had a beautiful purple regrowth. I have two patches and they smell so nice.

The chunky looking Sedum continues to brighten up flower beds.
The humidity of the summer encouraged fabulous Indian Pipe growth.
Both sides of the path in this part of the trail were lined- almost magical.
 Sighting these beautiful birds with their striking features is always a thrill.  Finally I managed a decent photograph one day down by the pond. Cedar Waxwings
Glancing out the kitchen window I caught sight of this young one. No doubt the rest of the family had already passed by. Much bigger than the last time I saw him. They are as watchful as they are beautiful. One of my blogging friends said you can distinguish each one by the pattern of the white dots on their hide.
Yes and now this season is upon us. Here in the northern hemisphere, a season of cooling down, winds, leaves changing colours, and lately, overhead, Canada Geese honking their way south. 

  I just love this time of year. Do you?

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Painting Robins, Eating Peaches and Loving the Teddy Bear of Bees

 A Robin Redbreast in  a cage 

Sets all Heaven in a rage.

               William Blake

Sighting a robin means good luck and it is also a symbol of Christmas and good times. 

The American Robins are plentiful here and I had one nest attached to an old light on the back of the house this summer and many adults combing the lawns. Three hatched successfully from that nest and then an Eastern Phoebe took the nest and also hatched three youngsters from it.  Here is one of the young robins taking a dip in our birdbath.

They are a popular bird motif to draw and paint. I liked this video showing step by step how to paint a sweet English robin.  What do you think?

I hate to mention this very sad note but I was quite discouraged when I read that one of the bumblebees, the Teddy Bear of bees as I think of them, has been placed on the endangered species list. I love them so much. I just wish we could lose some of our obsession with carpet like lawns and let more of the gardens grow a little wilder and become more insect inviting. 

So happy our little pond was home to many Painted Turtles this summer. We had to stop the car to let a turtle cross the road just last week. There are lots of marked turtle crossings around our area.

Like the bumblebees, I love autumn garden flowers too.

Would this appeal to you?? For breakfast today, my rendition of oatmeal...added cranberries and nuts. 

Hope you all have a wonderful day that includes some time enjoying the outdoors.

Thursday 9 September 2021

September Apples, Anna Olsen's Apple Crisp Recipe and What Would You Like to See?

Alamy Source


Happy September! I have my basket of apples too, Paula Reds. 

The favourite in this house is apple crisp for a great fall dessert.  I love this version from chef, Anna Olsen and don't be put off by her chef's label; it is a very easy recipe.  

Here is a September apple tree behind daughter's house. I love to see the apples emerge when the dabs of redness start showing through the leaves.

Our trees are sadly not laden with fruit but  lots of cones and the little red squirrels are very busy.  I know they begin hoarding them this time of year and when the snow melts next spring, we will be sure to find their cone mounds all over the property. 

They hang out under the feeders so I know they like sunflower seeds too.

I love to see all the creatures illuminated by sunlight.

The artist most famous for painting light, J. Turner, asked to see the sunlight on his deathbed. Along
 with this remark, the sun is God.  That made me think about what would I like to see (with faces of loved ones being a given) at the very end. I think I would like to see trees, especially looking up with sky visible. 

What about you? What would you like to see? 

Happy to join the linky parties at It's a Small Town LifeViewing Nature With Eileen and LLB Gang.

Thursday 2 September 2021

My First Confession, Golden Autumn Begins, Beautiful Birds

 A warm Canadian Welcome to my amateur nature nut blog! 

My first confession...I like to place my hand on trees. There is something about the various textures of their barks that I love.  And the strength that I feel when I lean in gives me strength.  I am just learning more about trees besides that which I always knew- they are beautiful, strong and useful. Here I am patting trees in the deciduous forest part of our trails. 

Summer is gradually fading but there are still lots of blooms to enjoy and photograph.  The autumn Asters, both wild and perennial in my garden, are opening and still being enjoyed by the odd bumblebee though their numbers have greatly lessened. 

But golden is the predominant colour for autumn here in a south western Ontario garden. Here is Liguliaria with its elephant ear sized leaves. This has not fared as well this year; maybe the continued bouts of humidity and high temperatures were not to its liking.

And of course, wild Goldenrod.

 I have a couple of patches of this one- a Sedum, Stonecrop, I think, which is very pretty up close and I like its succulent like leaves. 
The Brown Eyed Susans bloom a little earlier and last a long time. Like the Asters, there are banks of these planted in garden areas as well as wild dotting the little meadow areas.
Last night I went to sleep to the sound of two Barred Owls calling to each other in the woods behind my bedroom. It gave me the most wonderful feeling to know they are out there.  Perhaps it was these two I photographed down by our little pond at the start of summer. I still can summon the awe I felt as I watched them and took a few photos. 

I do love it when I spy those large birds. But I equally enjoy catching a shot or two of one of these, the  woodpeckers that frequent our little woods and just love this old pole. Its head was a blur.  

I love my rambles on this property and I especially like returning to the wooden house and having a cup of something. Would that feel wonderful to you too?

I sincerely hope your day includes some time in the great outdoors. 

Also happy to link this post with Stewart at Paying Ready AttentionFloral Friday FotoViewing Nature With EileenOur World Tuesday and I'd Rather B Birdin'.  


Shopping Online, Indoor Gardening, Pileated Woodpecker

 The little pond sported a thin covering of snow one morning recently. Neddy ventured onto it and, for the first time, the ice held his weig...