Sunday 24 October 2021

Summer in Autumn, Deer Nests and Autumn's Palette

 Astonishingly, we had a little mini summer there for a few weeks in October. I'll tell you how much like summer it was.  The frogs began to croak again...such a familiar spring/summer sound but against the backdrop of the fall leaves, sounded odd. 

Also a number of plants and flowers experienced regrowth that was impressive.  

Here the purple globe thistle which had completely given up the ghost, decided to revive itself.
Occasionally I get to see exactly where a deer spent the night.  The grass is well beaten down and there is a circular pattern. Once I put my hand on it and thought of the animal that had lain there.  I hoped it had felt safe and had a good rest on our land. And one early morning I came across a deer still lying in its little night nest.

That same morning I was able to get a decent photo of a Mourning Dove perched on a tree by the pond.
Yesterday we wore our old bodies out doing outside chores that needed doing before there is snow. I had the foresight to have soup ready for us when we came inside. With Gouda and apples and a bit of bread, we had a good enough meal before getting our weary bones into bed. 
Today I will take it easy with the exercise, just walk Neddy and sit and stitch a bit too. 
Oh here is the palette I am stitching with. I love how it is matching what is underfoot on my walks these days. 

Thank you for visiting Neddy and me here at the wooden house. 


  1. Hello,

    Pretty flowers, we are enjoying warmer temps now too. Your fall colors are just beautiful, it is still mostly green here. The deer is so cute sitting there resting. Pretty capture of the Dove. I am sure Neddy enjoys going out for walks. Your embroidery colors copy are Autumn colors here. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and a happy new week!

  2. Lovely photos and I like the shot of the deer. Thanks for linking up and I hope to see you back again!

  3. What beautiful photos. The deer is stunning.
    We've had some unusually warm and sunny weather for autumn in the UK too. A lot of the trees are still very green.
    Popping over from #mysundaysnapshot


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