Monday 1 November 2021

Three Things Bird Lovers Will Love

 Our little pond hosts many visitors in spring, summer and fall.

 Spring and fall the chin strap Canada Geese drop by usually in pairs. 

And Mr. and Mrs. Mallard have visited every spring to date.
I love birds and here are three things I love and think bird lovers in general would enjoy.   

1. I follow this YouTube site, Lesley The Bird Nerd and love her plain talks about North American birds. I have read different views about feeding the birds, which I do, and enjoyed hearing her take on this topic in this video.

 2. I bought this book, Bird Cottage by Eva Meijer, which is a novel based on a true story.  The true story is intriguing and marvelous too.  At age 40, Len Howard decided to leave her life in London and retire to the countryside and devote the rest of her life to her great obsession, her love of birds.  Here is a link to it on Amazon.

3.I have gotten endless enjoyment from having a bird bath in the back yard. It has attracted so many different birds and I have been able to capture photos of several lifers for me. If you love to watch birds, I think you should consider getting a bird bath. 

Meanwhile the season is changing. Many of our leaves have fallen and our trails now look like this. Neddy sure enjoys his walks.

Daughter dropped us off these Halloween treats. 

And I finished my Halloween Sampler quilt in time to snuggle under it on Halloween night.

Thank you for visiting Neddy and me here at the wooden house. Have a great week all!


  1. Your Halloween Patchwork is wonderful. And I love the captures of the different birds. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hello Jocelyn,
    Your Halloween quilt is beautiful. Pretty images of the pond with the geese and the mallards. I have a similar bird bath, that can plug in so it does not freeze. Love the sweet Goldfinches and the Chipping Sparrow. I am sure Neddy enjoys his walks, he gets to run ahead. The treats look yummy! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend. PS, I appreciate your comment, link and visit.

  3. Look at your Halloween quilt! WOWZA! It is gorgeous!!! Love seeing the sweet pairs of birds too. And those holiday treats. Save me one!

  4. Lovely bird images! The quilt looks really gorgeous!

    My latest post:

  5. WOW! Your guilt is GORGEOUS!

    Love the bird captures.

  6. You and I, it seems, are it from the same bolt of cloth!! I too love birds and Halloween around my house is a time to celebrate and enjoy. Love all your bird photos (I favor your bird bath images) and will go out on Amazon to buy the book. Thanks for the heads up on it & thanks for linking in to I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  7. The colors of the birds are just fantastic to see! All your photos are gorgeous as is your sampler :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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